Choosing the right web hosting provider for your business website is a crucial task. It is quite normal reaction to feel confused or bit lost when having to decide the right level of service. Even if you have knowledge or experience then also it can be difficult to choose from among the overwhelming number of options out there.
In this article, I am going to cover how VPS hosting is beneficial over shared hosting. Also, I will recommend you choose MilesWeb VPS hosting as it is the best choice currently in the web hosting industry.
To start with the article first will see what is shared hosting?
It is a way of hosting companies to put a large number of users on the same server. In that, basically a server is nothing but more than a computer with a processor, memory and a hard drive. So, in other words, you can say that it is just like your own home computer. Now here’s the best example that I can give to you through which you will come to know the exact concept of shared hosting. If you grew up in a household with a single computer used by the whole family, then you must be aware of the upsides and downsides of shared hosting.
When you talk about upside that means the cost per person or user is low as your connection gets shared with everyone in the network. On the contrary, the downside is the resources that are available to you will be limited as those are also shared with everyone in the network. To overcome all the above-mentioned drawbacks of shared hosting, cheap Windows VPS hosting comes into the picture. VPS is a virtual private server and it is the most technically superior solution in almost every single way. In technical terms, VPS hosting is still a shared environment but in that the technology used to assign resources and keep users separate is much more at a sophisticated level.
The key difference between VPS hosting and shared hosting is that the way resources are divided into the VPS environment is quite flexible. In that, fewer users use the same hardware, and each has its own private environment that makes it seem as though they each have their own server. VPS hosting is much more stable and predictable environment as it allocates the resources per user smartly depending on their usage. VPS lets you to get additional memory as and when you need it. You won’t get affected by any of those other users/websites on the server do.
The important advantage that you will have on your side while using VPS hosting, is security. By the use of full root access, you get complete control over your virtual private server environment.
Now the important question arises in your mind is that when to switch from shared hosting to VPS hosting?
If you’re running with serious issues like lacking memory, limited resources, security then this will be the right time to switch to a VPS hosting environment instead of shared hosting. Remember one thing, that if you’re financially capable enough to afford VPS hosting plans compared to shared hosting then only switch to VPS hosting because compared to shared hosting VPS plans are little bit expensive as they offer many powerful services compared to other hosting environments.
One more important thing is that, if your website is at a growing stage and your customer base is increasing day by day then this is the right time to switch your existing plan to VPS hosting.
Now the important question arises in your mind that from where you will get this VPS hosting plan at an affordable price? See there are several web hosting providers available in an online market from which you can choose anyone according to your business niche or website requirements, but I would personally recommend you choose MilesWeb. It is one of the fastest-growing companies in the web hosting industry. Once you start using their services, you will come to know that you don’t have to search for a reliable web hosting partner as you get all the services under one roof. Technical support is their forte. At any moment, if you face any issue and need any technical assistance then their support team is available 24/7 via live chat, email, etc. They provide stunning features and services at an affordable price and are committed to providing exceptional customer support since day one as their tag line says, “Your Hosting, Our Responsibility”.
Services that the award-winning company offers are shared hosting, VPS hosting, reseller hosting, dedicated hosting, WordPress hosting, etc. In addition to this, based on the operating systems MilesWeb offers two different plans for VPS hosting namely, Linux VPS and Windows VPS. Particularly, for cheap Linux VPS you get the choice of operating systems like CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, and Fedora.
The VPS hosting plans offered by MilesWeb follows:
By default, all their VPS plans are managed and the features that you get along with that are as follows:
- VPS hosting setup
- Control panel installation and configuration
- Third-party software installation
- Linux security and hardening
- CMS and Web application installation
- CSF Firewall installation and configuration
- Optimizing web server and fine-tuning
- Database optimization
- Network fine-tuning
- Server performance fine-tuning
- Security optimization
- Kernel patch updates
- Malware, virus detection and protection
- Installation of security patches and updates
- Spam protection
- Database and Website security
- Protection against server blacklisting
- Malware removal
- VPS performance optimization
- VPS migration
- rDNS setup
- Hardware and network related issues
- Unlimited ticket, emails, and chat support
Thus, by going through the article you will come to know that, VPS hosting is much more superior than the shared hosting and if you’re looking for an affordable VPS hosting plan alternative to shared hosting then MilesWeb would be an ideal choice for you.